Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Suitable Facebook archive

I think I found it!

Archivedbook, which I found doing a Google search for "retrieving all old facebook posts" seems to work like a charm!  So if you, like me, have tried to find something you know you posted at one time, you can try this website.  I actually spent some time and found that original post I had lost!

I also noticed that I threatened to leave FB multiple times in the last 2 years.  I should really just commit to the blog and lose the FB.  Argh!

Not so itinerant after all

When I started this particular blog back in 2011 things were very different for my family.  We lived in Los Alamos, and I had a full-time job as a chemist.  Danny was still finishing up his PhD.  Zoe was only 4!

Now in 2014 we live in Phoenix, Danny has a postdoc at Arizona State University, and I'm the one working from home.  Zoe has been in public school since Kindergarten, and her current school is excellent.  It would take a LOT of adversity for me to take her out of public school and do homeschool.

We were only "supposed" to live in AZ for a couple of years.  Danny's postdoc was funded for 2 years for sure.  Now we have lived in AZ for two+ years, and Danny has an NSF fellowship with another 3 years of funding at ASU.  Hopefully we will be able to stay in AZ until Zoe finishes 5th grade.

I find that time is passing more quickly as I get older.  Summer is half over already, and my kiddo will be in 3rd grade soon!  I know the fall is going to pass quickly.  It seems amazing how different life is now, and yet I often don't even think about it, and I feel the same as I did 10 years ago!  I'm 32 this year!  I'm starting to have trouble recalling my exact age!  I know I'm somewhere in my 30s.  What does it matter?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Finally went for a run!

After a break of over a month, I finally went for a run! I didn't want to run in the heat, but I think my body needs to right now. After a month I felt really out of shape despite continuing to climb and do yoga and strength work. My body seems to be needing extra cardio right now. This run felt so good!

So I guess I'm going to brave the early morning heat for my body's sake. Oh well.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Things are always happening

I've said before that I'm going to do more blogging.  Then I go back to Facebook for whatever reason.  I guess I don't really like blogging, nor do I like Facebook.

I'm an introvert, but it's not that simple.  As I get older I am learning how my nuanced personality affects my worldview and how I interact with the world.  One aspect of that I've been thinking about lately is friendships.  We've lived in Arizona for 2 years now.  And I have a couple friends.  Nothing special.  It takes me a long time to find friends.  I think that things like Facebook hurt my ability to make friends, and even maybe my desire.  I work at home during the day, so I don't have coworkers I see and chat with.  The only people I see during a given week are Danny, Zoe, a couple other moms at school, and that's about it.  During summer, it might be just Danny and Zoe.  I find that sometimes I "flee" to Facebook to feel like I'm getting some human interaction.  And I'm not really getting that interaction.

Now not that this is really bad, but I think it's bad for me, and my personality.  It makes me less likely to actually have a conversation with people.  Call my friends on the phone, say.  So I need to work on that.

Friday, August 30, 2013


We had a seriously busy summer.  It seems like we did so much! We traveled a lot, hung out with friends, went swimming, and started climbing again.  It was good.  Now we're back to school and work and "normal" life.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Yeah, so, I feel guilty.

I wanted to watch White Fang with Zoe.  I used to love that movie when I was little (it came out when I was 9).  A totally appropriate movie for a 7-year-old who loves animals.

Then, at the end, when Jack (Ethan Hawke) goes back to the claim and starts rebuilding and White Fang shows up again and it's a happy reunion... Zoe starts crying!  She's sobbing and saying, "Mom I know its happy!"

I feel guilty about showing my daughter a movie that makes her cry.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Birthday party!

Today we are having a 7th birthday party for Zoe!  She is very very very very excited.  We haven't had a real birthday party for her since her 1st birthday, and that probably doesn't count...

It's not as though we haven't celebrated her birthday!  We just haven't had her friends over in a typical kid-party fashion.  So, today is the day!  It will be 116 degrees and we're having a pool party.  At Zoe's request she is having berry pie and ice cream and lemonade.  It'll be awesome.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

When faced with the unknown

Every year in the West we have wildfires.
Sunday evening view from our backyard, before we evacuated.

Right now there's a large fire pretty close to where I grew up - in the Black Forest.  East and south of Monument and Woodmoor, where I grew up.  Check out the live updates here.  There are lots of houses there and many have already burned.

In June 2011 we evacuated from White Rock to Santa Fe because of the Las Conchas fire.  White Rock was under voluntary evacuation, but glowing embers the size of quarters and a few even larger were landing there the evening that we left.  

I realized something personally when we left that Sunday night.  I packed the 4-Runner with most of our camping gear because we were camping out in our friends garden.  Other than that we had our laptops and external hard drives, and picture albums.  And that is pretty much it.  I realized while taking pictures of all of our things around the house and packing a bit that I really don't need things.  Sure, many things I have are sentimental in some way.  But when faced with the uncertainty of evacuation I knew that the most important things are Danny and Zoe.  If they are safe we can handle adversity together.  And they were safe, they were with me the whole time.

If my things had been lost I would have been upset.  But I had my family and that is all I really need.
Morning ashes in Santa Fe.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Another old picture

pic 30 by kmj.karen
pic 30, a photo by kmj.karen on Flickr.

This one I especially like, it is my aunt, mom, and grandfather. I never met him, he died before I was born. They are on their way driving up Pikes Peak, 1962.

Old family pictures

pic 60 by kmj.karen
pic 60, a photo by kmj.karen on Flickr.

I have scanned in a bunch of pictures that my aunt loaned me from my grandma! This one is my grandma, my aunt and my mom. I'm not sure what year, sometime in the mid 1960s.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Container garden

We have an atrium at our house that is a little 9 foot by 11 foot enclosed outdoor space just off the dining room.  There was nothing in it when we moved in, and we've slowly been adding plants in containers.  Today we bought an old sink at Goodwill and built a little wood wall around it and filled it with dirt!  Carrots are definitely going in there (Zoe's crop of choice).  We have tomatoes, peppers, basil, cilantro, mint, oregano, rosemary, and some flowers.  I'm really excited to finally have a garden again and keep it going!  Pictures will come!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

In order to make an apple pie from scratch...

... first you have to invent the universe.

We were talking about apple pie which Zoe wants for her birthday (instead of cake) and I'm always reminded of the particular episode of Cosmos where Carl Sagan gets apple pie at Cambridge.  So we had to watch it today.  Zoe was super interested this time, and informed me that the only kind of star you can touch is a dead one.