Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I need to write.  I have a love/hate relationship with writing.  Sometimes I love it and I do it every day!  Sometimes I go months without journaling or really writing for myself at all.  And then I think, "Gosh I really should start writing again."  Well, I'll give it a try.  I feel like I need to get some things out there.

Just after Christmas a friend emailed me and told me that her 2-year-old daughter had passed away on December 20th, suddenly, of a heart problem.  I've been thinking about it so much since I got the email.  Everyone that even seems remotely like my friend reminds me of her, and makes me sad.  I've felt like I can't tell any of my friends - not because they know the people affected, but because I don't want to make them sad.  When I see young children having fun it makes me a little sad.  The news has affected me a lot more than I would have thought, and maybe a lot more than it should.  

Another friend's husband is gravely ill.  They have two young boys, both under 4 years old.  I am sad for them as well.  

All of these happenings along with the general ills and woes of my friends seems to be getting to me and I'm struggling with it right now.

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